Thursday, 28 May 2015

New blogging class begins Wednesday 3 June

Our next class starts at 10 - 11.30 am Wednesday 3 June 2015.
It will run on June 3, June 20, June 17, June 24 and will cater for both raw beginners and those with an established blog.
The cost will be $10.
Visit our blog roll to see what you might blog about.
The course will follow the tasks already devised and you can focus on whichever aspects you choose.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

New blogging class to run in term 2

Maybe you think that blogging sounds like fun.

Perhaps you have already made a start and need help and encouragement or perhaps you want to get started.

Look out for our next class on Wednesdays in June at the Marchant Centre.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

New Blogging class to begin Wed March 4

A new Blogging class begins on Wed March 4th at 10 am.

This one will be for only four weeks and I envisage the members working their way through the tasks set up last year.

There are still vacancies if you would like to enrol.